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Of course, the key to better coffee at home is hand-crafted roasting with high quality, fresh beans. But to get the best out of your coffee, a good brewing technique is also important.

Making great coffee at home doesn’t require a lot of work, but the proper equipment and a good recipe will make this process a whole lot easier resulting in a tasty cup of coffee. If you already have a favorite brew method, then good on you. However, if you would like to explore some other methods for brewing great coffee we have some great options below.


Perhaps you are used to buying ground coffee and brewing with an automatic drip machine. If that is the case, you will need a few items to continue down the road to better coffee.

Some key items to get you started are a manual pour over device, a grinder, a scale with timer, and a gooseneck kettle. This package is an affordable way to start making great coffee at home just like your local cafe.


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The Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill, is an affordable way to get good, consistent ground coffee. The ceramic burrs ensure a better grind and are adjustable to go finer or coarser depending on your preference.




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This coffee scale not only weighs your brew elements, but it has a timer as well. Like all good recipes accurate measuring and appropriate timing are essential for a great result. This scale will help you get the proper dose of ground coffee and add the right amount of water. The timer is key in helping you get the proper extraction.





The gooseneck kettle is so helpful in maintaining control of the pour and for making sure that all the grounds are evenly saturated for a good extraction. This affordable kettle can be used right on your stovetop and has a built-in thermometer on the lid to get you water to the precise temperature for your best cup of coffee.




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The Hario V60 02 is a classic pour over device that results in a clean, tasty, and evenly brewed cup of coffee. While you can get this in a variety of materials, the plastic is durable and doesn’t retain much heat, keeping your brew water closer to the proper temperature.





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